

The Water Management wing is responsible for providing a range of services related to the efficient and effective use of water resources. One of the key services provided is the registration of Water Users Associations. These associations are important for managing water distribution and ensuring equitable access to water for all users.

Another important service provided by the Water Management wing is watercourse improvement. This involves the rehabilitation and development of irrigation schemes to improve water delivery and increase the overall efficiency of the system. Precision land leveling is another service offered, which helps to optimize water usage by creating a more uniform field surface and reducing water runoff.

In addition to these services, the Water Management wing also specializes in the installation of high efficiency irrigation systems (HEIS). These systems are designed to maximize water efficiency and reduce wastage, ultimately leading to improved crop yields and better use of water resources.

Training and capacity building is also a key component of the Water Management wing's services. They provide training and support to farmers and water user associations to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to manage water resources effectively and sustainably.

Overall, the Water Management wing plays a crucial role in managing and optimizing water resources, and their range of services helps to ensure sustainable use of water for agricultural and other purposes.


Promoting Sustainable Water Management in Punjab's Agriculture Sector: Achievements of the Water Management Wing:

The Water Management wing of the Agriculture Department was established in October 1976 in seven tehsils of Punjab. The wing initiated the On Farm Water Management (OFWM) Project, a five-year pilot program, in collaboration with the United States Assistance for International Development (USAID). The project aimed to promote participatory conservation of irrigation water through enhancements in conveyance and application efficiencies at the farm level.

Since its inception until June 2021-22, the Water Management wing has accomplished several interventions and activities. These include:


  • Implementation of water-saving technologies: The wing introduced and promoted various technologies and practices to improve water use efficiency in irrigation, such as drip irrigation, sprinkler systems, and laser land leveling.
  • Capacity building: Training programs and workshops were conducted to educate farmers and agricultural professionals on water management techniques, including water conservation, crop water requirements, and scheduling irrigation.
  • Demonstration farms: Model farms were established to showcase best practices in water management, serving as learning centers for farmers to adopt efficient irrigation methods.
  • Research and development: The wing conducted research studies to explore innovative water management strategies and technologies suitable for local farming conditions.
  • Awareness campaigns: Public awareness campaigns were launched to highlight the importance of water conservation in agriculture and encourage farmers to adopt water-saving practices.
  • Policy support: The Water Management wing provided technical input and recommendations for policy development and implementation related to water management in agriculture.

Overall, these interventions and activities have contributed to enhancing water use efficiencies and promoting sustainable water management practices in Punjab's agriculture sector.



from 1976-77 to 2021-22

1 Improvement of Un-improved Watercourses (Nos.) 51,447
2 Additional lining of partially improved Watercourses (Nos.) 11,852
3 Rehabilitation/Development of Irrigation Schemes (Nos.) 13,975
4 Installation of High Efficiency (Drip/Sprinkler) Irrigation Systems (HEIS) (Acres) 96,500
5 Installation of Solar Systems for operating HEIS (Acres) 34,291
6 Provision of LASER Land Leveling Units to the Service Providers 16,009
7 Construction of Dug Wells (Nos.) 3,878
8 Solarization of Dug Wells (Nos.) 165
9 Construction of Water Storage Tanks/ Ponds (Nos.) 1,164
10 Solarization of Water Storage Ponds (Nos.) 90
11 Precision Land Leveling with LASER Land Levelers (Acres) 635,918
12 Training of Personnel by Water Management Training Institute (Nos.) 167,132
13 Installation of Tunnels on HEIS sites (Acres) 3,017
14 Development of Sunken Fields for Rainwater Drainage (Nos.) 61
15 Provision of Portable Water Pumps for Rainwater Drainage of Cotton Fields (Nos.) 264
16 Construction of Rainwater Harvesting Ponds (Nos.) 456
17 Demonstration Plots (Nos.) 20,652
18 Installation of Micro Irrigation Schemes/Water Lifting Devices (Nos.) 451
19 Installation of Community Tubewells/Turbines  (Nos.) 3,069
20 Construction of On Farm Drainage Schemes (Acres) 2,979
21 Provision of Bed Planters (Nos.) 408
22 Provision of Zero Tillage (Acres) 1,484

Transforming Punjab's Agriculture Sector: Impact of On Farm Water Management Interventions:

The interventions implemented by the On Farm Water Management (OFWM) Project have yielded significant outcomes and made a positive impact on Punjab's agriculture sector. The following points summarize the outcomes and impacts achieved:

  • Direct Beneficiaries: Over 2.988 million farm families have directly benefited from the OFWM interventions. These families have gained access to improved water management techniques and technologies, leading to increased agricultural productivity and profitability.
  • Financial Investment: A substantial amount of Rs. 84,279.50 million has been invested in the betterment of the farming community. This investment has been utilized for implementing various water management projects, promoting sustainable farming practices, and supporting the adoption of efficient irrigation methods.
  • Training and Capacity Building: A total of 165,662 personnel, including farmers and agricultural professionals, have received training in different on-farm water management interventions. This capacity-building effort has empowered individuals with the knowledge and skills to implement water-saving practices and enhance water use efficiencies.
  • Water Conservation: Through the implementation of OFWM interventions, a staggering 7,770,494 acre-feet of water has been saved. This significant water conservation achievement has not only contributed to the sustainability of water resources but also ensured the availability of water for future agricultural needs.
  • Private Sector Development: The OFWM Project has also focused on capacity building within the private sector, particularly in water use efficiencies. By providing training and support, the project has enabled private businesses to contribute to water management efforts, while generating employment opportunities in the water management sector.
  • Successful Project Completion: A total of 56 OFWM projects have been successfully completed until June 2020. These projects have implemented various water-saving technologies, established demonstration farms, conducted research, and facilitated the adoption of best practices in water management.

Overall, the OFWM interventions have had a profound impact on Punjab's agriculture sector. They have improved the livelihoods of millions of farm families, conserved water resources, and facilitated the development of a sustainable and efficient water management ecosystem.